Sunday, December 5, 2010


Hey guys!!!!
I feel so dumb, I haven't posted in over a MONTH!  :(
Oh well, I'll try to update you better this month.
Anyway, it snowed!!!!!!
That's me making a snow angel, so fun!
I wish it would snow more!!!
I forgot to say Happy Halloween!

I dressed up in orange and black to celebrate :)
I'm really over using that word.
Sonali came over the other day...

And she told me about Bridget Holland's Annual Holiday Party.
And that anyone who was at the school was invited.
She said she got her invitation.
I still haven't.

We'll see about that.

Lots of love, more updates later!

Aisha   :)

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Aisha! Awesome blog! Is Sonali your best friend at school? You've been hanging out with her a lot. Also, please follow our blog, Well, anyway, bye!

    P.S. We're doing a giveaway on our blog, so if you can enter, please do. Thanks! Hannah
